Get your Crush to like You


Lip gloss or lipstick-Pink or red
Pure love
red pen
W.I.S.H- Will I See Him? (in other words desire to see your crush.


Do you have a crush you like but doesn't like you back? Here's how to make him like you. (I tried this it works)

Spell Casting

Take your Paper and write crush's FULL NAME on the paper. Use your scissors to cut the paper into a heart. Now, write + (your name) and draw (# of years you want to be together) hearts on the paper.Fold the paper so your names are on the outside. Kiss the paper (with lip gloss or lipstick on) twice. Fold the paper again so that your names are on the inside. Kiss the paper 5 times. Hold this paper close to your heart for twenty seconds. Then put it under your pillow that night when you go to bed.
Side effects-
-You wanting to see your crush more
-your crush wanting to see you more
-you having dreams about your crush
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