Spell to Forget Someone


1 red candle
2 white candles
1 piece of paper with the person's full name written on it
Best done in the Waning Moon


This spell is very effective on helping you forget the ex boyfriend that hurt you or family member that have done you wrong or even that friend that betrayed you. This spell does not consist on aiding magic to change you life, all it is meant to do is help you to change you mind and to suppress your thoughts and memories, and in doing so, theirs too.

Spell Casting

Place the white candles left and right from the red candle. Light the red candle and then the two white from left to right. Set the paper aflame and chant:

"As you leave my life,
I leave behind my pain.
As you turn to dust,
So does all my hurt.
As I leave you in my past,
I leave with you my sorrow.
I burn they name _____________ so it shall be,
Cast out of my memory.
Your memory erased from my mind,
No longer held by the constrains of time.
I accept this made manifest, So shall it be!"

Let the paper burn out in a *safe* container and blow away the ashes in a safe manner away from you. The spell is done. Blow out the candles and thank the gods and goddesses for aiding your cause.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.