Spell to Attract a Certain Person


The hair of the person or something very special to them.
Failing that, a cut-out of their face will do from a photo.
1 Pink Rose
Ground Vanilla Pods
Dried Avocado
Jasmine Oil
1 Red or Violet candle inscribed with the love Rune 3X's
A few drops of blood
Red Cloth
Red Paper
Full Moon


Spell to Attract a Certain Person

Spell Casting

By the light of the candle and the Moon, grind up the Avocado with the
Vanilla pods and the Ginger... when it is a fine powder, add 5 drops of blood,
and as you drop each drop say these words:
*Note: face the appropriate direction.*

 "Spirit of the South, ancient one of fire and passion, with this drop
of blood I call you to bring my lover to me."

 "Spirit of the West, ancient one of water and peace ,with this drop
of blood I call you to bring my lover to me."

 "Spirit of the North, ancient one of earth and fertility, with this
drop of blood I call you to bring my lover to me."

 "Spirit of the east, ancient one of air and strength, with this drop
of blood I call you to bring my lover to me."

 "Akasha, the spirit element of all, with this drop of blood I call you to
combine the powers called forth, and bind my lover's spirit to mine."

 "So mote it be!"


Using the new paste, draw the love Rune 3X's (3 times) on the piece of red
paper and empower it, wait for it to dry, and then fold the paper in half.

Take the rose and smear on any remaining paste.

Place the rose in the red cloth and annoint with Jasmine oil.

Now, using the red candle set fire to it, and put it in a bowl until it has gone out.

Grind up any lumps left in the ash or remove any stubborn bits, then put the ash
into the folded paper and put it in an envelope, seal the envelope with a blob
of wax from the candle, and get it to the object of your affections however you can.

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.