Storm Spell


You need:

•Broom plant
•A small bowl
•A red candle*


This spell is for higher experienced spell casters.

Spell Casting

Light the candle. Pour the water into the bowl and say:

“Rains of time for what it’s worth empty thine eyes upon this earth.”

Stir the water with a spoon imagine a huge storm cell forming. Place the broom plant into the water, broom brings the winds. Say this:

“Winds shall follow effortlessly
tearing through every limb of tree.”

Continue to stir the mixture imagining the storm getting bigger. Add the rice, this is to cause the down pour you don’t have to say anything for the rice. Just start stirring really fast. Add the hot wax from the candle and say:

“Lightning strike quick and long
make it last make it strong.”

Add the salt (the salt seals the mixture) and say:

“By the powers of three times three let it be.”

Take the mixture and throw it outside into the wind. Now it is preferred to make a protection mixture and sprinkle it on your window sills.

*Note: The red candle is for lightning. If you do not want lightning don’t use the candle.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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