Eye Color Changing Spell


Flower (of your desired color)

Candle (of your desired color)


Pen (color of your desired color)


This turns you"re natural eye color to the color you desire

Spell Casting

Find a flower the same color of your desired eye color.

Get a candle the same color of your desired eye color

Light the candle

Take the pen and draw the pentagram. Then write the name of your desired eye color in the middle.

Place the candle in the middle of the word and put the flower next to it.

Close your eyes and think of you desired eye color for about a minute.

Than chant,

Please change the color of my eye
Let my old eye color dye.
(____) is what i want it to be seen
This is my wish, so mote it be

Right after the spell, you will feel burning. You will feel that for 5 hours. When it stops, look in the mirror and your eye color should be diffrent.

P.S the eye color spell only changes your eye color for 45 hours.

This did work on me. I changed it to light blue. I did make this spell.

If this worked on you, message me.

If you want me to cast or make a spell for you, i will be glad to. Just message me and i will get back to you asap.

If you dont have an account, just email me at bailyjohnson1357@gmail.com

I get on my email everyday, so that might work better if you want your spell faster. Thanks :)

Bye bye
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