Dragon Side


Alone Time


If you is really have a commitment to be in the dragon side (it will not transform you)! This spells work perfect on you!

Spell Casting

• As you alone, sit cross-legged
• Say this :


"Dragons of Dragons, your side is what I want! Stay and let me be in your side, I will never harm you! Focus and give me your dragon power! Give me your instinct and reflexes. Give me your sight, hearing, and smell! Give me your power and skills of you! Let me have the skills of (element) dragon have! Let it be and please let it be! Take me to your side! Make me half dragon! It will be an honour and thanks if you let me become! Please let it be! This is my will so mote it be!"


• Feel and visualise you're now among the side of all dragons and feels you have the skills of the dragon you choose (better choosing by your elements)!
• Say this at the end :


"Dragons of Dragons, thank you for letting me to become your side! An honour and thanks I already given to you! The skills I have please let I use it, make me now how to use it! Let it be! This for thanks to you, Dragons! So answer my thankful message!"


*** Side Effects ***
Feels you are half dragon
Feels you are now among all dragons
Feels you're skilled up
Feels you are communicating with dragons

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.