IngredientsWhite candle - OptionalDescriptionBasic Werewolf spell. Should make you become a werewolf at full moon. Will only work on a full moon.
Spell CastingGo out in an open area (where full moon is visible) and sit on the ground and place the white candle (optional) directly in-front of you and light it. Then, you must recite this poem once: "Ego sum, ego non potest stare me sequi et ab animali fieri volunt. Lupum esse volo, a typis, et miror Werewolf voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Haec et dignum me ferus vestigii. Quid, nisi aliter fieri in nocte et in meridie, cum luna plena obsisti, excepturum. Afflictionem meam et mordere alios non facere iniuriam, vel per lucem, per defensionem. Infra quindecim dies a induamini eaque. Et volo facere iterum. Nulla mihi cura est illi, et non in fidem tenere, qua ratione detester, quem propter. Dimitte me, super me Domine ad adiuvandum me genera confundit, et quaero qui daemonium". Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.