To Win a Serious Legal Case


Voodoo doll
Clean white cloth
Obeah perfume oil
Vervain herb
White cotton thread
Myrrh incense


Found this spell in a book, I hold no credit for it, posted because it works.

Spell Casting

Carefully place your Voodoo doll on a piece of clean white cloth and anoint with Obeah Perfume Oil. Then sprinkle with Vervain Herb and proceed to tie a white cotton thread around the doll's waist. Repeat the following : Here I tie an enemy of I, Who speaks of many, many lies. Silent, silent, he must be, While I win my case and am set free! Repeat this saying nine times for maximum effectiveness. Blend equal amounts of Myrrh Incense and Frankincense and proceed to burn. While this mixture smolders, read Psalm 7 nine times. Then wrap the doll in the white cloth and carefully in a dark secluded place. Conduct this special ritual on the night before the day you are to appear in court. Do it only after the sun goes down. When you have gone through all of the important steps, burn the doll and scatter the ashes in the night air. If burning is impractical, simply bury it away from your residence where it will not readily be found. As an added protection, carry a small piece of Chewing John Root when you go to court. Keep it in a convenient pocket where you can chew on it for luck.

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