Banishing Evil/Negativity


One or more white candles
Incense of any type
A wand, Athame, Knife, Pointer (optional)
Having an altar


I created this spell myself after midnight on today, this day of Yule. I wrote it in my book of shadows and tried it myself and it worked, so try it yourself and let me know how it works for you.

Spell Casting

Using a consecrated pointer, wand, knife, etc., isn't needed but does help. Also, go ahead and light the incense and candle/s and cast a circle if your path calls for it. Using your pointer; or just facing the directions are fine, but you will need to first point your wand/body toward the north and say, "Powers of the North, Guardians of the Earth, I ask for your help in my time of need. I ask that you banish all evil/negativity from me. My home, my family, my soul, and life, please surround us with your ever loving light." So Mote it Be, Amen.

Next do the same as before only starting with east, then south, then west. Only changing the first sentence of the fore mentioned mantra. Changing North to East and Earth to Air. Do this with all 4 elements until you start to feel their protection start surrounding you.

After asking all directions and the guardians thereof for their assistance, point toward your altar if you have one, if not it's okay just hold your wand, etc. to the sky and say this mantra as loud as you can, almost shouting it. "In the name of Old Ones, The Ancients, the Sun, Moon, and Stars, by the power of the Earth, Air, Water, Fire, and Spirit, I banish any and all evil and negativity from my life." So mote it be, Amen.

Now if performed correctly, you should strange comforting, calm feeling all around you. If so, go ahead and blow out your candle/s and incense and thank all of the spirits for their assistance. If not, try the spell again
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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