Wolf Dream


Ability to know you're dreaming
Dream Lotion (see below)
Red or green Candle
Alarm clock


This spell will help you create a dream in where you are a wolf.

Spell Casting

First, we need to make dream lotion. You'll apply it to your skin to help relax.
Lavender oil
Regular lotion
Dog hair (any kind-- pet, fox, wolf, etc)
Ok, time the make it. Slowly mix the lavender and the lotion. Drop in the hair an mix again. Chant this:
"Lavender extract
From a flower oh so sweet
And soothing lotion,
My skin it shall greet
But most important have we
The canine hair I see"
Now rub the lotion in and go to the bed. Don't sleep yet. Light the candle, and chant:
"Wolves now gather inside I
Let the candle burn and fry
Wax and wick,
and moving with a flick
One might wolfbreath lick
And the candle burns out."
Let the candle burn for 5 seconds more, and then blow it out. Now, set the clock to 2:00 AM--two hours to dream-- and chant:
"At midnight a wolf come into mind
Approaching prey from behind
Then change the souls of it and I
Its prey Rabbit is sure to die."
Then go to sleep. At midnight, you should start dreaming, and you'll wake out at 2:00.
Msg if it works for you. It did for me!
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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