IngredientsPaperPencil Mirror And something to keep paper in for long time. DescriptionThis is a powerful wish spell and works no matter what.
Spell Casting
Get the piece of paper and write your wish down, make it short and simple or long. Then write the number 8 down on the same side as the wish. Put the piece of paper in a locket or in a pocket (make sure it's on or near you for 8 days.) At 11:11 PM at night go to the mirror hold the paper up and repeat the wish 8 times.Then go outside and hold the paper up in moonlight for 30 seconds, if it's cloudy then simply hold it up near the moon or sky for 2 minutes. By the 8th day your wish should come true, or you could wish for your wish to be done at a certain time like 2 weeks, a month, 9 days. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.