Dragon Potion


A suitable Potion bottle
A citrus


This Dragon Potion will give you the powers and appearance of a Dragon. You will get to pick from the Four Elements: Fire, Air, Water and Earth.

Spell Casting

Use the ingredient that corresponds with the dragon type you want.

  • Fire Dragon- Lemon
  • Air Dragon- Grapefruit
  • Water Dragon- Mandarin
  • Earth Dragon- Orange

Fill your Potion bottle with the water. Then squeeze one of the fruit from above (depending on which Dragon you want to be) into the Potion bottle. Concentrate hardly on what you will look like, and then recite the Spell:

'Gods and Goddesses of Nature and Animals, please let this Potion make me a (Fire, Air, Water, Earth) Dragon. As it is my desire to be so. This Potion shall take away my skin and give me (Fire=Red, Air=Grey, Water=Blue, Earth=Green) scales and wings the moment I say (summoning words). I shall be a human again when I say (disappearing words). So let it be!'

Then drink the Potion and say 'Thank you'. You should be able to turn into a Dragon and use your Element power in one month.

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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