Summon Rain Spell


Bowl of water.
Strong Imagination.
Rain/Thunder sound effects with ear phones on.
Make sure there is already a few clouds in the sky first.


If you are less experienced you may only summon more clouds.
The weather will only be effected for as long as you believe.

Spell Casting

Fill a bowl of water, stand outside and look up into the sky and say this spell:
"Gods of power
Gods of might
I bid you now summon plight
Summon rain we need some more
And let it fall evermore"
Put your earphones in with the sound effects, focus on the clouds becoming dark grey, filling with rain. Imagine the water evaporating into the air and then start imagine the rain falling on your face, falling into the bowl of water, what it feels like on your face, the temperature dropping, what your surroundings look like when it rains.

Mail me if it works, it worked for me :)-Jenn
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