Vampire Transformation Spell


3 blood red candles
Matches/fire starter
12:00 pm through 1:00 am
Will to be undead


A spell that turns you into a vampire. Really works!

Spell Casting

First, you must want to be a vampire. Go outside between 12:00 am and 1:00 pm. Bring the 3 blood red candles, matches or fire starter, knife, and bowl with you. Place the bowl on the ground and put the 3 candles around it as even as possible. Light the candles with the match or fire starter. Take the knife in your hand and say and cut your for arm. Put your blood in the bowl ((You'll get thirsty)). close your eyes and chat 10 times, Blood Red, Pale Skin, Moon Light Draw Me In, Quench My Thirst, Coursing Veins, Let My Body Feel No Pain Your throat will start to burn. Drink the bowl of blood and you should be fine. Changes: Paler skin Fangs (only come out when hungry) A lot of blood cravings Taste buds change A LOT Faster when running Sun is brighter and hotter Smell increases Vision increases Hearing increases Let me know if this spell works for you. Blessed be!

And if you read this spell all the way through, it's a joke. Don't do it. You were born human, you'll die human
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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