IngredientsSoilNude wooden stick 2 cm wide Plant Fertilizer Plant Seed Bucket Wooden Spoon DescriptionNever use this on people. Tell me if this spell works, I would love to hear from you. (For plants not people)
Spell CastingStep 1: Decide what type of plant you want to grow.Step 2: Pour 2 cups of soil into a bucket. Step 3: Dig a hole about half way down the middle of bucket. Step 4: Place seed into hole. Then cover the seed with soil. Step 5: Sprinkle fertilizer over the bucket on the inside. Step 6: Use wooden spoon to pat soil down. Step 7: Chant- "Earth, Water, fire, air, work togather to grow this seed. Grow faster than adverage ever. Please grant this life." Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.