Ultimate Anthropomorphic Animal Transformation


An idea of what you'd look like
Lots of awesomeness! *wink*
Love for your animal
A good reason for asking
Belief in stuff in the cosmos
Softness of a blanket (optional)


This is the ultimate transformation to become a furry meerkat, arctic wolf, dragon, anything!

You can turn back into a human, but this isn't a "shifter" deal. You'll become a furry, and if you kinda hate it, you can turn back to your normal self.

Your goal in this spell is to tell the beings of the cosmos why you want to be an anthro. They should always get your message, but unless you have a good reason why you want to quit being 100% human and switch to 50% human.

You won't have gross mites exploding poop on your face if you're reptilian, you won't worry about not getting a boy/girl if you're canine, you don't need to fret about your awful voice if you're avian, you get to skip work and school all you want when you're feline, and if you want to be huggable, be a... horse! With so many different choices to choose from, it's almost impossible to choose your future for most people.

Spell Casting

Optional: Throughout the spell, snuggle with the blanket to increase the chances of it happening.

1. Plan out your new body. (In the terms of us furries, "fursona".)
2. Confirm it with yourself, then put in the following information. (I'll use myself as an example.)

Species: Dragon
Subspecies: Ice Dragon
Hide Color: Light blue
Underside hide color: Same as main color hide
Genital color: Semi-translucent arctic icy blue
(Female Reptile Only) Egg Laying/Live Birth? Egg Laying
Eye Color: Brown
Claw Color: Semi-translucent arctic icy blue
Claw Length: 2"
Cold-blooded/Warm-blooded? Warm
Feathers? No
Tail Length: Same as ice dragon's in comparison to body length
Wings? Yes
Wingspan: 5'00"
Color of Hide Inside the Wings: Light green
Plates (spikes on back)? Yes
Plate Length: 1"
Plate Color: Semi-translucent arctic icy blue
Plate range: From forehead to tip of tail
Human Teeth? No
Human Tongue Shape? No
Digitigrade or Plantigrade (or Unguligrade, if hooved): Plantigrade
Sweat: No
Scaly or Hairy eyebrows: Scaly

It's recommended you write this down!

3. Think:

Beings of the Cosmos, I have a crucial message that I need to have granted. My wish is to become an anthropomorphic (insert species). Here is my reference for my new body: (insert the info from step 2) I would die for this one simple wish. My reason for wanting to is because (insert a good reason). I would die for this wish. Please make my dream reality: to become an anthro (insert species).
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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