IngredientsLighterany color candle (symbolizes fire) knife one whole peanut( (symbolizes earth) cup/spray bottle water (symbolizes water) small piece of chalk DescriptionThis is a spell that can be used by beginners to make a wish with the elements.
Spell CastingPreparation:1. Chop up peanut. Set aside. 2. Grind chalk into dust. Set aside. 3. Light the candle Instructions: 1. Draw in energy from the earth into your body. Let it flow to your mind, heart, and voice. 2. Place your hand/s over the candle and say, " Fire, fire, hot as the sun. Joyful warmth, but deadly fun. I summon you now." 3. Drop all of the peanut pieces into the flames and say, " Earth, earth, from the grass to a the dove. A poisonous touch, yet tender love. I call upon you now." 4. Grab the item holding the water and say, " Water, water, strong as a wall. Feared by some, but needed by all. Please come to me now." 5. Spray or drip water on the candle until the flame goes out. Let the smoke stay in the air. 6. Place your hand in the smoke and say, " Air, air, forces engage. Kind to most, yet a swirling rage. Come to me now." 7. Put your hands together and say," I ask the four elements to grant me this wish. I'll dance like a flame, I'll swim like a fish. I'll grow like the earth, I'll soar through the sky. Now please grant this wish to I." 8. Say the wish. Sprinkle the chalk around you in a circle and say," This is my will, So Mote It Be!" 9. Thank the elements and walk away. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.