Unlock Ice Aura




Discover your ice aura. Its difference from normal aura.

Spell Casting

Clear your thoughts completely. Close your eyes and calm down. Imagine you are in a room with a wooden door and a steel knob. The room is empty of everything except black wallpaper. Open the wooden door. Feel like the extremely sharp cold steel is actually against your hand. Go through it. Outside there is a blizzard and a pedistal made of ice. On the pedestal in a translucent, neon icy blue orb, filled with icy energy. Pick it up. Imagine the newfound energy surging through your cold body. When everything settles and your body calms down, open your eyes.

The aura will not appear right away, only transparent strings will appear when you focus your aura. Allow the aura to set for a bit, about a day.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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