Reverse Eye Color Change



Skill with magic

Already had spell cast to change color

Visualization skills (optional)

Voice (optional)


For when you want your original eye color back after it's been changed

Spell Casting

1) Get into whatever state helps you cast best. If that's laying in your bed, good. If that's sitting in a pentagram on the floor with the lights turned down and magickal items on your person, that's good too.

2) Visualize and think about how you want to reverse the eye color change. Make sure you really want it.

3) Call any deities you feel would help.

4) Recite if you want:

By myself or another

My eyes have changed color

My request for you today (or tonight)

Reverse this, if you may (or might)

-Repeat as much as you feel would work

5) Once you're done, thank any called deities and do whatever you do to finish any other spells.

This is my first spell, but if it works message me or something so I know. Then maybe I'll take requests for spells. Ya know, if you want to...
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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