Glamour Spell for Gender


Small corked bottle or necklace pendant
Hemp or some sort of cord
An old crayon that is the color you associate with your gender
Pencil and paper
Herbs that you associate with your gender.


For if you're having trouble passing, need help with the way you're seen, or want reassurance for yourself.

Spell Casting

On a small piece of paper, design or use a sigil for what you want people to view you as (For example, I want to be perceived as more masculine so I used the male symbol for the base of my sigil).
Once you are satisfied with your sigil, chop up or melt your crayon(s) and put them in the bottle. Add the sigil.
As you do this picture yourself being seen as your gender, being accepted, basically think about why you're doing this spell.
"I create this necklace to keep my spirit up, So that others will see me for who I really am, For my gender to be on the outside as well as within me."

Now that you have the basic charm, you have the option to add more energy to the bottle.
Add Your herbs into the bottle. As you do this, picture what you want to get from each one. (For example, I added cinnamon to my bottle for a sharp masculine air)
"As I add this [herb] I wish for it to give me [intent\]."

Once you have added what you need to the bottle, put the cork in it, seal the bottle. Tie the hemp or cord around the lip of the bottle. When you need a boost, wear this necklace to help.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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