Teleport into Minecraft PC


Your computer
On Minecraft pc file


This is just a spell I wanted to do since I'm bored right now

Spell Casting

Sit in front of your computer and clear out your mind of everything that is not Minecraft. Imagine your getting sucked into the game. Say this spell with your eyes closed and sit into a meditation position: gods and goddesses, suck me into Minecraft. I want to build, I want to explore and I want to find treasures. Gods and goddesses, hear my plea, suck me into Minecraft so mote it be! Then you should sit there for about 3-5 minuets with your eyes still closed and visualize that your getting sucked into the game. Open your eyes after the 5 minuets and look around you. Your in Minecraft! Congrats and be careful and think about the times when you played Minecraft and got killed a million times. Be careful and be blessed. Hope it works but it might not cause this is a spell I wanted you to try.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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