Hair Grow Faster x3


Hair brush
Coconut oil (optional)


This is a spell to make your hair grow faster, smoother and shinier.

Spell Casting

Pick up the hair brush and say: "This is my hair brush. When I brush my hair, nothing else can compare to the power of this brush, which makes the growth of hair rush. It will make my hair silky smooth and my locks will shine, nobody else will have hair more beautiful than mine".

If you have it, rub just a little less than quarter of a teaspoon of coconut oil on and in between the bristles of the hair brush. Brush your hair with the enchanted brush and while doing it chant this x3:

"As I brush my hair, the hair that is too short, make it silkier than anyone's, make it very shiny, so it will glow in the sun. Make it grow faster x3, this is my will, so mote it be!"

If you used coconut oil, you might want to rinse it out of your hair after a few hours. You need to give it time to work.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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