Protecting Mantra of Palden Lhamo


-Picture, statue, or visualization of Palden Lhamo


Palden Lhamo is a powerful female protector. Known as Shri Devi in Sanskrit(not to be confused with Lakshmi who is different), Palden Lhamo is one of the wrathful Buddhist deities. She protects the lamas, monks, nuns, the Dalai Lama, and many holy ones. All who worship her will be protected by her. Palden Lhamo was once a woman who was forced to marry an evil king and gave birth to an evil son. She couldn't convince the king to be good and the evil king wanted to ban Buddhism. Sensing that her son was to be the evil one who would destroy all the dharma, sutras, mantras, and Buddhism, she was forced to kill her son in order to save the world. She drank his blood, ate his flesh, and flayed him. As she fled on a white mule, her furious husband shot the mule, but she healed it making the spot become an eye to watch over all. However, when she went to hell, she escaped stealing a sword and bag of diseases from the hellish protectors. She fought her way to her earth only to have no peace and live in the charnel grounds as a hag. She cried out to the Buddha for a reason to live. The Buddha appeared before her and asked her to become a protector of Buddhism and the dharma. Astonished, she agreed and is now the wrathful protector. She is the only female wrathful deity of Buddhism. Chanting her mantra will ensure her protection and get rid of enemies or anyone who harms her followers, holy men, or innocent people. Remember, she was forced to kill her son in order to save the world. She will do whatever it takes to save and protect all living beings and the world.

Spell Casting

If you have incense, burn it in front of Palden Lhamo. Go into prayer position and close your eyes. Think of Palden Lhamo and chant her mantra for one mala(108 times) or more which goes:
"Jo ramo, jo ramo, jo jo ramo, tunjo kala rachenmo, ramo aja, dajia tunjo, rulu rulu hum jo hum."
After that, thank her for saving the world and ask her to protect you. You will be protected. Afterwards, whenever you think of her and chant her mantra, you will be protected.
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