1 feather
1 match
A bonfire
While it is possible to work with the elements it's never really possible to control them. There are certain laws of the universe that bind certain items in place. You will be able to work with nature and call upon the elements however using this spell.
Spell Casting
Light the bon fire and cast your circle. Say the following chant and raise energy by beating on your drums;
"Hail spirits of the east; lend me the power of air.
Hail spirits of the south; lend me the power of fire.
Hail spirits of the west; lend me the power of earth.
Hail spirits of the north; lend me the power of water."
Throw the items into the bonfire and release the energy. Close your circle.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.
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effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.