

Lots and lots of food


This spell is used for fun.

Spell Casting

Caution:While using this spell stay away from windows or mirrors you can in flate at anytime!

Place your food in front of you. Say this:

"I call upon god to grant my wish to become bigger, fatter.
I don't need anything else from you that is all that matters.
(Starts to yell) Make me fat!
(Talk in a loud voice but stop yelling)
Make me 379 pounds!
Make me squishy and round!"

Then eat all of the food and don't allow yourself to throw up. In 3-5 hours you'll start to feel heavier. Just to test it stand on the scale if you can't see your feet then lay down on your couch and imagine how FAT you'll be when you are finished

Lay there for about 4 more hours and then "pass" the food. If you can see your feet eat twice as more food as you did before. Then pass the food and then eat twice as much food as before. Do NOT pass that food

After 3 hours of eating check your weight if it is around 200-320. Then stop eating
Wait for your stomach to start gargling. If your clothes starts to rip let them

Side Affects:

  • Craving foods you don't even like
  • Laziness
  • Major flatulence problems
  • Late period
  • Headache
  • Early period
  • Possible virgin birth

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.