Bite of a Frost Wolf


A silver chalice
Bud of a snowbell
Freezing cold water
Chalk(any colour)
3 white candles
3 blue candles
A small stone(a bit bigger than a pebble)


This in time will call upon a snow storm that will last for as long as you want it to.

Spell Casting

With the chalk draw a six sided pentagram on the floor and put the candles on alternating edges of it then draw a circle around the out side of it. Place the stone in the middle of the circle.

Crush the snowbell buds up in a motor and pestle. Then add both the crushed snowbells and the freezing old water into the chalice. The stir until you are satisfied with it.

Pour the liquid from the chalice onto the stone in the middle of the circle. Then place both hands over the stone, concentrate your energy and say," I call upon the wolves of the north to lend me your breath, because I wish all to freeze and all to be covered with white. I wish for a world of pristine whiteness and beauty and for all to be calm, even in the enders of the world. I desire for all to stop and freezing in place making a world with no time and no wrong and no difference. I want snow to fall upon us, come now wind and do as I need. Omnes Duratus."

Within a short amount of time the storm should come and you should be able to manipulate it, that requires a high weather manipulation skill. Hopefully it works for you and enjoy the snow.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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