Herbal Sachets


a black permanent marker
1 tsp of dried lavender blossoms
1 tsp of anise seed
2-4 bay leaves
one red drawstring bag


Instructions on making herbal sachets.

Spell Casting

Herbal Sachets:

Herbal sachets are small bags filled with herbs and used for a specific purpose. Ex: love, luck, protection, etc. The color of the bag and the herbs held within it all pertain to your purpose or intent. You can also draw symbols on the outside of the bag(s) that pertain to your goal.

I have provided an example below for anyone that wishes to try making a sachet.

Herbal Sachet for Protection:

Items Needed:

  • a black permanent marker
  • 1 tsp of dried lavender blossoms
  • 1 tsp of anise seed
  • 2-4 bay leaves
  • one red drawstring bag

This spell should be performed on a Tuesday, the day of protection, courage, and facing your fears. Use the marker to draw a shield or other protective symbol(s) on the outside of the bag. Once done, begin placing the herbs into the bag and recite the following:

"Lavender, anise, and bay all tied up in a bag of red.

Evil and negativity they will prevent.

They will keep me protected both day and night."

Repeat this as you place each of the herbs into the bag and tie it shut. As you do this be sure to visualize your words filling the bag and the herbs with the power of protection. Once you've finished creating the sachet you can carry it with you in either your pocket or your purse. Also, remember to charge the bag every so often so that it obtains its protective properties.

The information on herbal sachet creation was obtained from the following source, however, I added my own personal twist to this particular charm sachet. Feel free to do the same.


" Herb Magic for Beginners: Down-to-Earth Enchantments " ~ Ellen Dugan

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.