IngredientsPaper (lined or white[I recommend white])red nail polish salt/sea salt faucet trash can DescriptionThis spell does work, though if it's your first time casting it, it might be weak at first and will take a few hours. Sometimes it happens the next day. This spell was also tested, I also checked for the weather for that week just in case it wouldn't be a coincidence. So yes, it does work.
Spell CastingSet your paper on a flat surface, then get the red nail polish and draw a pentacle with it. Take the salt, pour it in your hand and go over the pentacle that you have just made, directly onto the pentacle.Once you have done that, go to the faucet and crumple the paper. Doesn't necessarily need to be in a ball. Run the water over the paper and say three times: Gods and goddesses of the rain, make it rain, this my plea, it is my will, make it rain, so mote it be. Toss the paper into the trash. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.