IngredientsVoiceBelief in Arceus DescriptionYou become a Pokémon. WARNING: This lasts for the rest of your life. Cast at your own risk.
Spell CastingSay 3 times:
"O Arceus, turn in me (Pokmon), ego non malum, * fiat mihi facultatem et facultatem ad moveset * et glria * * moveset, tibi gratias agens, sic fiat semper."
(It's: "Oh, Arceus, turn me into a (Pokmon), I will not do evil, My ability will be *ability* and my moveset to be *moveset*, thanks I give to you, so mote it be," in Latin.)
Then, it may take up to 2 days to even a month!
Side effects: Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.