Paper Charm to Heal a Heart


A square piece of paper
A writing utensil suited to your paper
A candle and something to light it with
A fireproof dish
(Optional) Herbs relating to healing and love
(Optional) Crystals pertaining to healing and love
(Optional) Glue or tape


This is a simple spell to help assist in the healing of another's heartache; it can also be performed on the self, if desired.

Spell Casting

This spell is best performed either at dawn or during the night; on a Monday, Thursday, or Sunday; from the waxing to full moon.

Light the candle. If you cannot use candles or have open flames, don’t worry about it.

If you opted to use crystals, set them on a flat, even surface, and place the paper between or before them. Write the target’s name on the piece of paper (full is preferable), and draw a sigil over their written name to assist in the healing of the heart.

White paper is fine, and lined works in a pinch, but feel free to use any colors that you associate with healing (e.g. blue or green), or love (e.g. red or pink). Alternatively, you can color on the paper or draw more symbols of love and healing on it before continuing on.

Fold the paper into an origami heart, or just cut the paper into a heart shape.

If you opted to fold the paper into a heart via origami, you can fill it with herbs to use as a sachet for a boost of energies.

Hold the heart-charm in your hands and concentrate on the person. Focus on sending them feelings of love and healing. Fill the heart with positive energies, and the intent that your target will heal from their heartbreak and be able to feel all of the love that still surrounds them. Do this for as long as you feel is adequate for the charm to be charged.

You can either seal the charm and gift it to your target, or burn it to release the feelings and energies to send to them; if you are not able to light fires or use candles, tear it up into small pieces and give them to your target or allow the wind to carry it away (bonus points if the wind happens to be blowing in the direction of where your target lives).

If burning the charm, you can set it in a fireproof container and drop a match onto it. Alternatively, you can set a corner of the charm into an open flame, then quickly put it into a fireproof container to finish burning. Ensure that the fireproof dish is also set on a fireproof surface that will not heat up. If you opted to use herbs in the charm, depending on how dry they are, the charm may simply smoulder and not completely catch on fire, and this is fine. Continue to burn it as much as needed before it is completely burned or singed, then dispose of the ashes. They can be released into the wind, kept in a vial or sachet and gifted to the target for further energies, or merely thrown out.

Remember to always practice appropriate fire safety when working with candles and burning paper!

Be careful if you filled the charm with herbs and you decide to burn it- ensure that the herbs you chose are safe to be burned!
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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