Wishing Truth


Necklace (optional, if you want it in the necklace)
Gemstone (optional)


I recently made this, sorry if it doesn't work. I tried and, did research on goddesses that would go with this spell. Hopefully it works.

Spell Casting

Write down your wish on a small piece of paper.

Chant this two times. (2x)
I call to Ma'at for truth (say a brief description of your wish but not the wish itself. But something simple that corresponds with it)
I call on Brighid for protection and healing from harm.
I call onto Moon Goddesses
To grant my wish with no harm to come.

Chant a third time, but at the end,
State your wish, and add to the end "So Mote It'll Be!"

Then fold the paper with your written wish into a small square. Keep it with you.

(If you're putting this onto a necklace or piece of jewelry hold the jewelry in your hand whilst chanting this 3x times.)

I don't know if this works but give it a try. I'm gonna try it soon I'll update this to let anyone know.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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