Intelligence Booster Potion (Home Herb Addition)


2 strawberries
2 teaspoons thyme
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon honey
Unrefined quartz


This potion is an Intelligence booster.
It is meant to give you a boost when you feel you just can't figure out that answer!
Use sparingly, as an overdose can result in severe headaches and stomach cramps.

Spell Casting

Mash the strawberries over the bowl until they have been entirely crushed and there is juice in the bowl.

Add water until the bowl is around halfway full.

Add the Thyme, Cinnamon and Honey.

Stir until the honey has disappeared.

Add 2 thoroughly washed quartz stones

Let it soak for 1-2 hours

Strain over jar until there is no potion left in the bowl

Bless this potion by adding 1 teaspoon of holy water and leaving outside under the moon for a night.
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