Ingredients9 oz Red wine or cherry soda9 Basil leaves 9 Dried rose petals 9 Cloves 9 apple seeds 9 drops vanilla extract 9 drops strawberry juice 9 drops apple juice 1 ginseng root cut to 9 equal pieces 9 pink votive candles Cheese cloth or strainer A pot or cauldron Wooden spoon DescriptionWarning: Extremely potent, Hard to reverse, long lasting. Do not let anyone other than your crush see it or touch it.
Spell CastingDo not give me credit for this spell, this is my friend's spell, and if you have any questions message me. By the light of all 9 pink votive candles, put all ingredients into the pot/cauldron, and stir with the wooden spoon while chanting: "Let the one who drinks this wine, Shower me with love divine Sweet love potion number nine Make his/her love forever mine." ' Bring it to a boil then let it simmer for nine minutes. Remove pot from heat and let it cool. Blow the potion 9 times and bless it in the names of the goddesses Aphrodite, Venus, Freya, Ishtar, Arianhod, Hathor, Ianna, Astarte and Nephthys. Then strain it with the cheesecloth or a strainer. Chill, then give it to your crush. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.