Open the Third Eye Chakra (indigo)






This chakra deems with insight. It'll help to open your third eye. And you will be able to read the other minds.

Spell Casting

Keep calm and quite. Then sit cross-legged.

Put your hands in front of the lower part of the breast. The middle fingers should be straight and touch the tops, and pointing away from you. The other fingers are bent and touch at the two upper phalanges.
The thumbs point towards you and meet at the tops.

Concentrate on the third eye chakra and what it stands for, a little above the center of the two eyebrows.

Silently but clearly chant the sound "OM" or "AUM".

All this time, relaxation of the body should come a bit naturally and continue to think about the chakra, it's meaning and how it does or should affect your life.

Keep doing this until the same "clean" feeling seems to come back or intensity.
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