how to go super saiyan




this will allow you to go super saiyan.

Spell Casting

Get pissed off. The cold-blooded murder of a friend in your plain sight is likely to provoke this.
Look down at the ground, drop your arms, and begin to focus your rage. You're going to need to do a lot of teeth grinding. If you start unintentionally rage-grunting you're on the right track.
Breathe slowly while flexing every muscle you have. If this induces tidal shifts, lightning strikes, and FPS (floating pebble syndrom) proceed to step 4.
Are you still flexing? You'll know if you can see every vein in your body. Tilt your head back while still maintaining that rigid posture. You'll notice a hair color change, and your vision will seem odd. This will be the first glimpse at your Super Saiyan form...or perhaps an anyeurysm.
Pay no mind to the stunned spectators around you. They could attack but are usually too mesmerized by your awesomeness to get wise and attack your completely vulnerable state. Once you see the ground crack beneath your feet the fun begins!
Now that your veins are bulging to a point of breaking, yellow energy should begin to envelop your body. You won't see this as your eyes will be far back into your head at this point. Just wait ten seconds or however long you think it's appropriate for step 7.
Scream like a motherf*****.
Congratulations! You are now Super Saiyan! Side effects may include berating your son, kicking ass like you never thought possible, and destruction of planets. Good luck, and let me know the results!
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