The iadian method of forming energy objects for attacks and tasks (ABSOLUTELY WORKS)



your energy or any energy.


The official method of forming energy used by us iadians. Keep in mind that we never use magic as our race lacks the ability to do magic and cast spells with magic. ALL of Our techniques are purely psychokinetic in their nature, and use energy to boost this to the point where we can do things that defy what you humans call science. But below is one of our basic techniques.

Spell Casting

Step 1. Place both your wrists side by side about 3 centimeters apart.

Step 2. Open your your hands until they are completely flat, and then angle them away until they are at a 45 degree angle.

Step 3. Call energy into you. To do this seek a source of energy, tap into it, and call forth how much energy you want in tons of TNT equivalent. (Can by in megatons of TNT if you want.) To do this, you THINK: '100 tons of energy into me. Go!'

Step 4. Send the collected energy to your hands by imagining the energy going to your hands while at the same time you think, '50 tons of energy to my hands. Go!'

Step 5. Now you tell the energy in your hands, 'Form ball. Go!'

Step 6. Target who you want to fire at by imagining a stream of energy going from your third eye to the person in question.

Step 7. Fire the Ball by thinking, "FIRE!"

The ball of energy will now shoot towards the person you have targeted.


This can be a very deadly technique depending on what energy you choose to use when you form your energy ball. 

You can also form projectiles and missiles, even all manner of WMDs in spirit form that will be as deadly as the physical counterparts.

This Technique is designed to kill people, and it does it well.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.