How to make fairy dust


1. Flower petals
2. Water
3. A bowl
4. Glitter


Here I only show you how to make fairy dust. Because you will need it for some fae magick spells

Spell Casting

1. Pour little water in the bowl which you think will be enough to saok the flower petals.
2. Put in the petals in the water ( You should not pluck a living flower for that. You should take it from a dead flower)
3. Keep it soaking for 3 hours.
4. Remove the petals and pour off a good amount of the water.
5. Pour your glitter in the little water left in the container and make the glitter wet in the water
6. Let the water evaporate.
7. Your fairy dust is ready once it is completely dried.

You can use glitter glue, glitter, sparkle,glitter nail polish
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