Make your animal do what you say.




Like it says in the title, makes your animal do what you say.

Spell Casting

Let you and your animal become calm and at peace, if you have a good connection with your animal this should be very easy. If not, well, good luck.

Make sure your animal is in an agreeable mood with you, or it is going to resist you with each command. Now ask your animal to be open to what you want it to do.

Animals have rights they should be respected and cared for as if he/she was a person in your family. If your animal shows you any type of submissive action it is an agreement, a yes but if he/she is aggressive  or moves away it is, obviously a disagreement, a no. Don't try to force your animal to do something it doesn't want to do.

Now say, ",Animal of mine(you can also use your animal's name) I ask you to please do the things I tell you to, you have a say in this, and I will be mindful of what you want. I promise to respect you, if you promise to respect me. I love you (animal's name) or animal of mine. So mote it be.

Now try a simple command and if they follow the command either right as you say it or a few seconds after the spell worked, if not give the spell a couple of minutes to sink in. And try again.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.