Dragon Familiar Spell




Summon a Dragon familiar

Spell Casting

This isn’t a spell, more like a way to break the barrier between the two worlds.

Close your eyes 

Imagine what it would look like, what powers would it have?

Open your eyes

Imagine the dragon sitting in front of you, imagine it playing around in front of you 

chant the following:

Come to me, oh sweet dragon of my my dreams, come to me. Be my friend, help me find my way through this world and come to me in times of dire need. Come to me, oh sweet dragon of my dreams. 

This should work, and the dragon should appear in front of you. Other people can’t see or hear them, and they can communicate telepathically with you so that you won’t look like a freak when you talk to them in public.

(Some of my dragon familiars are quite rude, you have been warned)

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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