IngredientsSaltBathtub Rose Quartz 1 Essential Oil Of Your Choice Flower Petals (Optional) DescriptionUse this spell so others can see your true beauty, enhances attraction.
Spell CastingFill up the bathtub with water of a desired temperature. If you have flower petals, toss them into the water now. Undress and get in. Pour as much salt as you would like into the water with you. Then take your essential oil and add seventeen drops into the water. Relax your mind. Hold the rose quartz with both hands and say the following out loud: "Lare divini sai (lar, di-vin-e, sigh). May these waters cleanse all sight to see my beauty clear as light. Kol fortuna dom reci (coal, for-tuna, dom, re-see). May my charm never falter for my heart glows brighter. Quet pare lumi cre xar (key-et, par, loom-e, cre, zar). Powers of the moon and sun give me allure which compares to none. Alensi equet sol leni pyret (uh-len-see, eh-key-et, soul, len-e, pie-ret."
Now fully submerge yourself into the water, holding the rose quartz to your heart. Imagine the crystal filling your entire body with light. Think about how beautiful and charming you are, how everyone desires you so much. Once you let this beautiful energy fill your entire being, pull your head out from the water. Return to a sitting position and breathe in the air. Now recite with the crystal still close to your heart:
"Forever and ever. Bey nomi et (bay, nom-e, et)."
Now that the spell is complete, you will attract those around you and have more confidence in your own beauty. Believe in this spell and it will come true. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.