Erasing Energy


tea spoon of salt


A spell for empaths to remove energy that is not there's.

Spell Casting

Once you know that the energy you are carrying is not your own and you are sure of it, say the following spell to help remove the energy from your body.


"I have acknowledged that the energy I am holding is not mine. There for removing this energy from my system, mote it be."


Say the spell three times and then later on in the day (or when you can.) Go home and have a bath, add salt into the bath with the intention that this bath will cleanse you of any unwanted energy that is not yours. Picture darkness leaking off your body and into the water, after you feel content and happy with yourself. Get out of the bath remove the plug and know that energy is being cleansed and sent to light.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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