Painful Urinary Tract Infection


A swab of fresh urine on a cloth or piece of toilet paper
One mousetrap
Bottle of spicy hot sauce (Hotter the better!)


If someone has done you wrong and you want them to feel pain here is a simple working. This is done more easily for men, but if you can find a fresh pile of urine from a female that would be good also. This working is done to make a painful urinary tract infection. Letting this curse see the light of day will destroy it and you will have to start over, unless that was your intention. Once lifted, remove the soaked cloth or piece of toilet paper and bury it at a base of a tree and throw away the mousetrap. This curse wont go away automatically, but it will allow the wound to finally heal.

Spell Casting

1. Swab the targets urine with a piece of toilet paper or cloth

2. Dip the urine in the hot sauce three times. Do so as you say:

"May your penis.vagina burn hotter than the fires of hell, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."

2.Get the mousetrap and slam it shut on the piece of urine. Cuss out their name if you like.

4. Put mousetrap in a dark place.
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