Draconic Cleansing Spell.


Sage (Note: the leaves have to be dried and bundeled together like a smudge stick)
Dragonsblood Incense
And a cleansing / protecting stone such as: Jade, Obsidian, Onyx or Sunstone.


This Cleansing spell (or in draconic: "Koeans'lin chedayret") helps cleanse your body from negative influences, curses, hexes and other bad influences.

Spell Casting



Use a lichter or match to light the incense, then put the stones in your pockets (or any other way of wearing them) then grab the sage and burn the leaves enough to make sure they keep smoking for a while....(then while speaking the incantation below) slowly keep moving the smoking sage trough the air in circular motions. 


Incantation: Mrecheh ae rhounetheos auf ae djjageng ahrngcestoros koeanhob ah e rhurifieh mehs nyehgdy, shynd, luohudo ah e chedirylil ah e mrecheh jenl yehlingos ghgativyuk tett honne!


See ya later.....or in Draconic: Lieh'debo ya lyrteub

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