IngredientsA photograph of your targetSalt Sulphur from wooden match DescriptionQuick and easy revenge spell. Make sure it is what you truly want or need.
Spell CastingScrape the Sulfur from match head. Be careful not to ignite it... Throw some salt on the photograph. As you cast this salt intone: “As this salt is of the earth, so art thee. Now sprinkle the Sulphur over the photograph, around the area of the forehead. Light the Sulphur, so that it burns a hole in this region. This will carry your incantation to the subconscious mind of your enemy, and he/she will therefore create his/her own downfall. Say the following with meaning, conjuring up as much emotion as you can: “Friends of fire, and friends of hell, beckon to this horrid smell. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.