Riches for Riches


An altar space or place in your home you can dedicate a wealth shrine to
A job or allowance, as this will require money on at least a weekly basis
Statues/pictures/depictions of your deities (if you have them)
A large metal bowl, preferably somewhat ornate, but go with what feels right


The saying goes "you have to spend money to make money". And for the most part, I believe that to be true. But have you ever thought about making yourself rich by making others rich?

Spell Casting

Set up your shrine as fits yourself, but be sure to place the bowl near the front, as this will be for your offerings to your deities/the universe. And once you have your shrine set up, it's time to take your wallet into town. 

Go to someone and ask if you can trade your dollar for a single coin. This is so you are redistributing your wealth. You're making someone else richer. They may look at you quizically, because normally people wouldn't ask such a thing. Just come up with an excuse, but DO NOT get full change back. The point is to receive less than you gave them. A single dollar for a coin is fine. It's not about the amount you're giving, it's the fact you are. Double points if you trade with someone not as well off as you. 

Return home and offer the coin to your dieties/the universe. Show them/it that if you were to strike it rich, you would not be the only person to benefit. Pray as you see fit, meditate to ease your thoughts, and forget about it. 

Collect a coin this way at least once a week, always offering it up, praying, and returning next time. You should receive results in the future. You can do so as often as every single day or more, as you wish. Don't hurt yourself in the process, though.

**A NOTE: NEVER take coins out of the offering bowl, as this would be stealing, as you've given it to your dieties/the universe. This could lead to the opposite results intended, and I wouldn't want to see you beautiful people struggling.**
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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