Candle Love


Pink candle
Black candle
White candle
Lavender oil or rose oil
Peace and quiet
Belief in magick


A simple spell to help you find a lover using candle magick. Now this doesn’t just happen, you have to go out, go on walks, go around places with lots of people. You can also try and talk to some of the people to help the spell work.

Spell Casting

Do this before sleep


Place the white candle in the middle of the pink and the black candle with about half a foot in between the candles


Charge the white candle with good energy, staying aware of your intention and not drifting off about other things. This is important.


Rub lavender/rose oil on the candle by where the wick is, then light it.

While doing this, say:

Attract a lover

(Say your name)

18 - 21 years of age

Please release me from my cage


Repeat this until you are done lighting the white candle.


The pink represents love, and the black represents negativity. Keep that on your mind. Charge the candles with energy. Remember to keep your intention in mind.


Now light the black candle, then the pink


Move the black candle away from the white and and the same time move the pink candle towards the white. As you do this, say:

As the negativity goes away, the love starts coming my way.

Now sit and visualize your outcome. Remember your intentions. Feel the energy around you, feel yourself controlling the energy. Now sit and mediate while thinking this for a while until you feel like your spell has been released into the atmosphere through the candle smoke. Then blow out the candles and go to bed.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.