Belly inflation and stickyness.


2 or more liters of soda(recommend 5 liters of soda)
Mouthwash(recommend Colgate bubble fruit mouthwash)
Strand of your hair
Cup or bowl


Inflate your belly

Spell Casting

Drink the 2 or more liters of soda(do not go to the bathroom after drinking the 2 or more liters of soda for spell to work).squirt twice into the cup or bowl, then add some mouthwash, and then mix. Then jump up and down 120 times.add some water, a strand of your hair,and mix for the last time. To finish apply to your stomach(do not rub it in just let it set for the best effect.)!

side effects:

your clothes will stick to your stomach

needing to go to the bathroom
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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