Make Someone Lose Interest


a glass or container
a piece of paper
concentrated liquid


This is a simple spell to make someone lose interest in something. It can be used on many things. It can be used to make someone bored of a hobby or lose interest in maybe a person. It's multi functional so remix this how you see fit!

Spell Casting

Step 1: Get your piece of paper and use your marker to write down the person's name. It is also effective to write down the person's birthday or zodiac.

Step 2: Take the piece of paper and soak it in your chosen concentrated liquid. This concentrated liquid can be things such as vanilla extract, lemon juice, or a really strong drink! (Like Sunny-D or Kool-aid).

Step 3: Once you have soaked your paper, place it at the bottom of your chosen container. 

Step 4: Get your water. The water represents cleansing, the concentrated liquid represents the persons interest and like towards something. Your water is supposed to "water down" what they once loved. 

Step 5: Now it's time to really set your intention. Envision your target slowly losing interest as you pour the water onto the paper. I advise against spilling it quickly, pour slowly..  Don't pour all of your water at once. 

Step 6: Put away your container and come back to it tomorrow. Do the same thing as before until the glass of water you have used is completely empty. 

More Context and Understanding

Why use only a little bit of water every day?  My answer to this is that the average person doesn't lose interest in something they like at the snap of someone's fingers. It's lost over time, just how spells don't work instantaneously. 

How long will it take to complete the ritual?  It depends on what your goal is. My advice would be to use less water everyday for longer periods of time if their interest is passionate. 

What concentrated liquid should I use? Allow yourself to get creative with this one. For perhaps love related instances, use vanilla extract or a sweet drink. A safe alternative for what you aren't sure about use lemon juice or hand soap. 

Why use a marker? Can I use something else? My advice would to be to use something the water will slowly erase over time. The idea is by the time you used up your water, you shouldn't be able to make out what the paper says since the writing is smudged, representing what they like is nonexistent and wiped clean. 

After I'm finished with the ritual, what do I do with it? Hide it and keep it around until you get your desired results. Shake it so the water can seep more into the paper. 

I waited and nothing has happened! What should I do? There's a possibility you may have made a mistake. Consult another magickal practitioner or do some divination to see what interfered with your results.  

Can this spell be used on myself? Yes! Fun fact, I actually used it on myself to rid myself of a problematic crush I had big feelings for. It disappeared around a week later.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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