A Water Divination Spell I wrote from my Book of Shadows


What you need: (please note that will all spells tools and items are add-on's in ritual, you don't need them to cast spells)
An altar wand (or your pointer finger, it's just to help direct energy)
A blue bowl (can be blue to symbolize water, but any color should do, can be plastic or ceramic, doesn?t need to be a deep bowl)


If anyone is interested and knows how to use water as a divination tool then I thought I should add a spell from my own book of shadows. this spell has been added to SOM on 11/7/2021

Spell Casting

Step 1: Fill the bowl with enough water that may gaze into it, but not enough that it will overflow


Step 2: Circle the bowl with your hand or hands filled with water three times clockwise, 

Chant in counts of three

“Oh element of water I invoke your might, aid me now and grant me sight. Bring to me what I desire, visions within you may I now acquire” 

 Step 3: Gaze into the water, you may also close your eyes to receive the visions


Step 4: use your hands and turn one left or right keeping them both next to the bowl, normally one hand brings the image, the other makes it more or less clear. Though which  hand does this for various from person to person. 


Step 6: ask your questions and obtain your answers, bare in mind you will see it in your minds eye


Step 7: When done, say this chant 

“Element of water, thank you for your aid, go now and help to grow this glade” 


Step 8: pour the water outside returning it to the earth if you can


Step 9: Clean up after the ritual. 

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.