Love Letter Spell


A piece of paper
An envelope
A red pen. If you dont have a red pen, any other color pen will do.
A flower that reminds you of your desired person. If you dont have access to flowers, print/draw a picture of something that reminds you of them.
A pink candle for Romantic Attraction.If you dont have a pink candle, a white candle will suffice.
Crystal/s that correlate to love and romance, like rose quartz and Aventurine.
Music that reminds you of your desired person playing in the background or just love-centered music during the spell.
Lipstick if youre more Feminine, Cologne if you're more Masculine, if you're neither put a white feather in with the rest of the contents into the envelope.


This spell's intention is to send a message about how you really feel about your desired person. Its a love letter that you will put your heart and soul into and your message will be revealed to that person in a dream.

Spell Casting

1. Turn on the music, then light the candle. Place the crystals near the candle (if you chose to).

2. Take your piece of paper, and visualize your feelings and intentions towards your desired person. Start writing the love letter. Write how you REALLY feel about them, put your heart and soul into this letter; this is going to be revealed to them in their dream, after all. Write about what you want from them, write about what you want to do with them in the future, write about your most favorite aspects of them.

3. Put on the lipstick and kiss the bottom of the letter to sign the letter OR spray your Cologne on the letter to sign it OR put in the white feather with the rest of the contents into the envelope.

4. Take the flower and pluck the petals. Put it in the envelope with the letter. If you didnt have a flower, put the picture in envelope with the letter.

5.Finally, seal the letter with your saliva and write TO: desired person's name and FROM: your name. The spell is done. Dont worry if it will work or not because the universe already heard you call and will be the courier of your message. When your Desired person falls asleep, they will dream about you telling them about your true feelings (what you wrote down on the letter.)

Blessed be!
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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